Reis Colaço

Certified Software Engineering Instructor


your instructor

I'm Pedro, or prc in cyberland, and teaching is where I love to share my professional experience. For me teaching is a two way process, and my meaningful way to be a part of the community.
I am married and have kids, so I try to have a positive impact in this world.
I grew up in Ericeira, Portugal, the surfing spot of Europe, and have lived and worked in many cities, like Barcelona, Luanda, London, Berlin, New York or Vancouver, just to name a few.
I'm a professional lifelong software developer (and a musician, DJ & music producer in my spare time), have extensive project management experience, several certifications and delivered professional training a bit all over the world, now on online training as well.
I consider myself a professional learner, as my profession requires to be constantly up to date with latest technologies and methodologies, so teaching has become a natural thing through the years, as I learned how to best deliver knowledge in digestible and memorable ways.
The main areas I do training are:
Programming Languages 30%
Linux & Unix Server Administration 20%
Full-stack Development 15%
Project Management 15%
Blockchain & Smart-contract Development 10%
Agile Methodologies & SCRUM 10%


the bestsellers

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JavaScript Rocks


JavaScript Rocks

JavaScript Language Avanced Course

Become a JavaScript expert with this advanced course: start controling subjects like this, closures, prototypes, constructors, prototypal inheritance, IIFE, async and functional programming, immutability, callbacks, promeses, generators, iterators and several design patterns, in pure JS and with many real use cases and exercises to practice.

This is a fast paced course, not recommended for beginners.

This course is being produced.
Stay informed about new contents as soon we publish them

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Art of Coding


Art of Coding

Coding is the art of transforming ideas into a software product

Learning this art is hard. And I don't mean the language, syntax, semantics or even the logic parts... Not even the patterns or paradigms. What is really hard to learn are the tools a developer can use to build software products that last! Dominating this art can be the difference between a successful product and a complete nightmare!

This course wants to help beginners to start on the right foot.

This course is being designed.
Stay informed about new contents as soon we publish them



for students and businesses

Tailored Training

Your organization needs training sessions tailored to your specific needs, or in person?

Live Q&A sessions

Maybe you got stuck on something or just need some extra subject clarified after training?


Your organization needs direct coaching or consulting after training?


just say hi :)

Contact me
Portugal, Europe